Tuesday, April 30, 2013

32 Eggs Retrieved!

Yesterday was a very emotional and physically tough day.

An hour prior to the egg retrieval, I took Valium and Keflex. The Valium is to relax you. I can't imagine going through the waiting and the prepping without it.

I got taken back and they hooked up my IV. They had me give Brian a kiss good bye. They let me do one last tinkle. Then I got undressed from the waist down and then they pulled my legs apart and put them in these contraptions that we kind of like stirrups but for your legs, not feet. They taped my legs in. The doctor came in and asked how I was doing - I said okay even though I was nervous.

They put happy juice in my IV. They put on a gas mask. And I don't remember any of the surgery.

I woke up in recovery and could hardly wake up; I kept going in and out. I remember asking for water. I got really pissed off when they gave me ginger ale but I drank it. I ate cheezits. I asked for them to bring my husband back. They asked for his name and a few minutes later he was there. They told us they got 32 eggs out of me.

They discharged me a short bit later. I was in such a fuzz that I could hardly walk so I held onto Brian really tight.

I felt awful in the car. I begged for water but then I'd beg to get home as fast as possible. Then I threw up in a trash bag. It was fizzy orange vomit - hello, ginger ale and cheezits!

Brian helped me up the stairs. It was uncomfrotable to walk. I got right in bed and fell asleep.

Then I woke up from the nap and my mother in law came to visit. She brought delicious Legal Seafood. I had trouble eating so I'd eat bits at a time and have Brian keep putting whatever I didn't finish in the fridge.

I napped again.

I watched Heavyweights and a couple of our TV shows with Brian. Then I took a pain killer and fell asleep.

I feel very weird. I feel excited and happy but very strange. I feel very emotionally drained. I met the embryologist who will mix and watch baby crane grow yesterday. I'm having a lot of trouble thinking about my baby being mixed and coming into embryo stage without me. I am happy, of course. But it is very strange for me to think about. I feel very odd knowing I'm that baby's mother, and it's not safely growing inside of me.

All I can do now is rest and work on recovering. My body needs to get nice and rested for the transfer in roughly a month.

I hope many of the 32 eggs will fertilize and many will grow to embryo stage. I hope I feel "normal" soon. Though I truly have no idea what normal really is anymore.

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