Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Today's appointment

So today was our 36 week appointment (even though tomorrow is actually the 36 week mark). 

The ultrasound tech forgot to measure Hartley's weight so next week I'll fill in on her size. She should easily be over the 6 pound mark since its been 9 days since the last ultrasound. Her movement was great. She's using her lungs like a champ. Heart rate great. Looking gorgeous and big. 

I have hydronephrosis on my right kidney. The ultrasound tech talked about how that could be causing my pains in my side. The doctor's theory is Hartley's size and my short body. She said Hartley is just squished, and she's pushing really hard in to my side. I hope she's right. Because the pain last night was so severe I could've sworn my lung was going to explode. 

They swabbed to test for GBS. And then she examined my cervix. Wow. I thought she was going to just grab Hartley and pull her out. I hope it didn't hurt the little girl. She wanted to see how "ripe" I am. She said my cervix is still high up but is "very soft", and I'm a half centimeter dilated. 

Then we discussed the induction. February 14th wasn't advised. I asked for her help and her advice. I told her I read a lot of women talking about how you should go as long as you can on your own, and that's why I came up with waiting until the 14th. She said 8 days past is one thing for a spontaneous pregnancy but it's a different story for an IVF patient. Today was the first time I heard my pregnancy referred to as high risk. People had asked me earlier in pregnancy if I was "high risk", and I always said my pregnancy just requires more monitoring. Because no one referred to it as "high risk". Even if they call it that, I don't really think of myself like that.

But with IVF, the main thoughts are this. They know my conception day, to a fucking tee - a 24 hour window in which a 5 day old embryo implanted. No matter how good of a charter a woman is or even if she does IUI, her dating is not nearly as accurate as mine. So there's no error in when I hit 40 weeks. Then, they look at it like this - a woman who went through IVF has been through enough. There is no point in taking any extra risk. If the baby is good enough for the outside (which they know from constant monitoring), they want her on the outside as soon as 39 weeks - to guarantee she gets here and they don't have to worry about a stillborn baby. The doctor told me I can ask any fertility specialist or high risk doctor, and they will concur. They watch them as closely as possible to make sure they are good to go and then they want these precious babies out.

Hartley's size also really helps in this decision. The doctor said she's not predicted to be little so she doesn't need an extra week to get bigger. She was annoyed the tech didn't measure Hartley's size today but gauging off the past scans, there is not even a slight concern with her being too small to come on time. 

I know everyone feels differently on these topics. And I don't claim for my answer to be everyone's answer. But I trust my doctor. I know she works closely with my doctor from the clinic, and they know everything it took to get this baby cooking. I trust them to have my best interest and Hartley's best interest at heart. 

But the music to my ears? My doctor said my body could very well decide to evict Hartley on its own :) you go body!  But goal is to wait until February... We shall see!

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