Tuesday, September 24, 2013

pregnancy randomness.

I am about to ramble about a bunch of non-related things. To be honest the brain fuzziness I'm experiencing would make it way too hard to come up with a topic and organize my thoughts to all correlate.

First, the gender reveal is FIVE days away. Brian and I are taking turns updating the countdown on our white board. Side note: this white board is a 10 year old piece of junk that I can't part with because we end up putting all our countdowns on it.  This countdown has been the most intense ever with the two of us racing to update it. The only times I've won is heading immediately to it after waking up while Brian is out on his morning run.

I see the fun of both genders. But I can't wait to begin more in depth mental planning for either. And shopping. And decorating. Brian is holding strong on his girl guess. I am holding strong at boy. Though I dreamt that I cut the cake, and it was pink. So that was kind of odd.

And the verdict is in, either gender, Miss Winnie is excited. Girlfriend has been spending a lot of time lounging in the baby's room. She's started nuzzling my belly a little. Ever since meeting our goddaughters, she is fascinated with babies. When we go for our walks and she sees a baby, she's entranced. I have to explain to the mama that Winnie just learned about babies and is on a baby kick.

We have seen a mom who wears her baby and walks her dog around our neighborhood. And I'm so excited to get to try that myself. I stopped her the other day to ask about her carrier and if she she was happy with it. Also having the ulterior motive of making a neighborhood mom friend. She said her husband travels a lot for work, and he tells her just to do the stroller dog combo when she wants to go for walks but it's too tough. I couldn't imagine having Winnie on a leash and a clunky stroller to push around.

So first order of business as spring enters will be learning how to wear the baby and walk the dog. I'm determined for these two to become best friends. I held off buying a second dog for years just imagining this ideal scenario: two parents, a human baby and a fur baby.

When my dad was over yesterday to work on the bathroom, he was in the nursery and he told Winnie, "this is your brother or sister's room." And I loved the sound of that. Her brother or sister. Her future partner in crime. Her new best friend.

So as you can see, this house is full of beings - human or furry, who are very excited about baby. And excited to find out if it's a little Hartley or a little Patrick in there!

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