Thursday, May 8, 2014

Three months.

Oh Hartley bear,

You are 3 whole months old today!

I can't believe you came into our lives 3 months ago. Nana says it's felt like a long 3 months - and it really has. It feels like you've always been a part of our family! 

I can't believe I'm going to say this cliche line but our love for you just continues to grow exponentially. Every day we think we can't possibly love you more, and yet somehow we do. 

It was a big month for you. You met the Easter bunny and celebrated your first Easter. You slept on the bunny's lap. And you essentially slept through Easter, too!

You were baptized and had a party in your honor. You were the best behaved baby at the baptism - you just slept on mama the whole time. But the whole reception thing wasn't your deal! 

You have just started sleeping through the night. You are an amazing sleeper. I mean, amazing. Sleeping 8 pm to 9 am - taking a break to feed at 6 am but just going right back to bed.

Sleep largely affects your mood. So we encourage sleep. I also think your fast growing requires the extra z's. 

You are such a chunk. You still love to eat. You wear mostly 3-6 month clothes now. 

You love baths. Dad and I both love doing your bath time because you are all smiles during it. Nana bought you lots of bath toys that you love.

You are such a good listener during story time. Right now we read Doggies, Snuggle Puppy, the Spot books, Five Black Cats, Wherever You Are, and your bedtime prayer book. Dad has started doing number flash cards with you.

You are so fascinated with everything. You still love mirrors and lights. You are starting to notice the tv and Winnie more. You watch the rain. You are always sticking out your tongue and bubbling and drooling. You smile but you still like to mean mug and do a confused look in pictures. 

You love your musical seahorse, Sophie the giraffe and your pink giraffe blankie. You love your swing and kick n play piano. You love walks and car rides. You love mom's funny faces.

You hate tummy time. So mom hates it, too. 

You are such a sweet baby and a little bit of a mama's girl. Your snuggles are the best. 

We love you so much, lovey. We're so lucky to call you our daughter.

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