Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Homemade baby wipes

When I was pregnant, I told people I planned on making my own baby wipes, and they looked at me like I had 8 heads. Just like with the cloth diapering the consensus was, "don't add more work for yourself." 

Lemme just say, making baby wipes - a thousand times easier than packing up Hartley to go to the store to buy them. 

I will first say, when we deal with tinkle we spray baby washcloths/flannel cloths with water and use those for wiping (for cloth diapering that just makes sense). But along comes sticky, nasty baby poop - and out come my homemade wipes (unless I'm behind in life and don't have a batch on hand).

The reason I love my wipes better than store brand? Um, two words: sensitive skin. Not Hartley's. Not Brian's. Mine. Store brand wipes gives yours truly eczema flare ups. Yes, diaper changes cause my skin to crack and ooze. 

But I guess that's not the only reason. They smell better, feel better and just seem healthier. I haven't done the nitty gritty cost comparison but I'd venture to say they are a little cheaper, too. 

I snatched this super easy recipe from pinterest and tweaked it a little. I used bounty napkins instead of slicing paper towels.

I stuff as many napkins as I can into a Rubbermaid container. Think really stuffing - like into skinny jeans on your fat day. I mix up a cup of hot water, 1 tbsp baby wash and 1 tbsp coconut oil. Then I drizzle this over the napkins and put the lid on. Voila. Easiest thing ever. Obviously wait for them to cool before using but the hot water helps the coconut oil to dissolve.

I've experimented a little with the amounts in the mixture. Obviously you try to keep the proportions correct while tailoring the total amount of mixture to the number of napkins. Nowadays with the container I use, I try to do 3/4 of the recipe listed above but I eyeball it. 

I'm not condemning store bought wipes. A lot of old school moms think things like this are new moms being ridiculous. But when you've got sensitive skin and a kid with sensitive skin, it takes a little reinventing of the wheel. And we still have plenty of store bought wipes on hand for outings and babysitters.

But I recommend giving this a whirl if you've got a babe with sensitive skin. I have a feeling you just might love them as much as I do! 

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