Friday, May 23, 2014

Another weight watchers update

So this was an off week in our house. I got my period. It was and continues to be heinous. Brian jokes that Hartley and I are on the same cycle because she decided to have an off couple days this week. I can't lie, when Brian left for work yesterday I was literally in tears. Hormones, cranky baby with flying poop I had to clean off the wall. I was feeling like my life was so small. And I thought about the walking cliche I was, a pajama wearing, baby clothes laundering, crock pot cooking, weight watching suburban mother. So to fix it I indulged in a bagel... and California Tortilla. Afterwards I realized this fix isn't really a fix at all. I had a slip the day before of frozen yogurt - same deal with emotional eating after the babe decided she would not nap.

I decided today to get on the scale - a day early - for a wake up call, totally bracing myself for gain but hoping I stayed the same as last weigh in.

Well looks like the little slips were outweighed by the rest of the major good efforts of the week. I'm down 1 pound from last week, 4 pounds total!

It's a good lesson that trying hard and having a couple splurges can still put you in the right direction. And today, that little loss motivates me to have a great day! 

We are going for a long trail walk with my new neighborhood walk buddy and her baby. Win.

This Memorial Day weekend is crazy busy with lots of festivities that involve eating. So my plan is to do as well as I can and not beat myself up.


Do daily trail walks.

Load up on veggies, fruit, and lean meat/protein. But forgive myself if there's a piece of wedding cake!

Limit drinking.

Compensate by staying strictly to the diet the Tuesday through Friday after the weekend.

I'm really hoping to lose 2 pounds this week to keep me enthusiastic and motivated. Wish me luck! 

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