Thursday, September 4, 2014

5 years of marriage.

Writing my cheesey anniversary post early because I'm not wasting a family Friday blogging :)

Dedicated to my hubby, Brian the Rad Dad Crane (my most loyal blog reader) 

5 years of marriage. How the hell did that happen? Weren't we just 24 years old in our leaky shoebox of a condo dreaming up what it'd be like to be grown ups someday? 

Now we've been married for half a decade, we live in a family friendly neighborhood in the burbs, and we're parents. Your age is going to start with a 3 pretty damn soon. I guess we might be grown ups now. 

Year five has taken a little more work than other years, and I guess that's to be expected when you add a member to your family. We're still figuring out how to be mom and dad while staying Page and Brian. And I'll openly admit, we're not all that used to having to put much effort into this thing so it's tough some days. But hands down, there's not a person I'd rather be figuring adulthood and parenthood with. 

And as cliche as it sounds, I'm loving where we are. Yeah, the mystery thing is officially dead after you saw me bring our daughter into this world but I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in our relationship. I amazingly love you more than I ever knew I could on our wedding day. I'm so lucky to have you as my husband, the father to my baby, and my favorite: my friend. 

5 years in. A lifetime to go.

And I hope in 50 years we're still badass (actually, nerdy) enough to watch cheeseball horror movies and drink pumpking together. Your the only person I love enough to share my peanut butter m&m's with. 

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