Monday, September 22, 2014

Life Lately.

I always wish I had more time so I could come on here and write things down. I wish I could use it to chronicle everything and to vent when the proverbial (and literal) shit hits the fan. I feel like so many things have happened since I last logged on to talk about my 7 month old girl.

Somehow there's all this time we have to fill in the 11 hours a day Hartley and I are on our own, and yet time ends up managing to escape us. How does that work?

I don't really know where to begin this entry or where to focus. 

I'll start by saying we took our first overnight trip away from Hartley since she was born. We went to Annapolis to celebrate our 5th wedding anniversary. It was amazing. As much as I truly love my little girl it was so rejuvenating and refreshing to have 24 hours where my mind wasn't keeping track of food intake and poop. I told myself I'd take a bunch of pictures and write a blog about it but the truth is I didn't take my phone out much. That was much better than getting a ton of pictures. 

I loved that overnight so much that I asked my parents to take Hartley for a night in November so Brian and I could do an overnight to celebrate his 30th birthday. I booked a room at Landsdowne, and I might already be counting down ;)

On the day of our anniversary I actually went to the doctor to talk about my lady part issues. I was frustrated because they decided not to do a follow up sonogram. They said it sounded like the provera did it's job (essentially a chemical D&C), so if they did a follow up sonogram things would look normal. I would prefer for them to have checked to make sure but I guess I need to trust them. They started me on birth control. 

Honestly, taking birth control right now is just plain weird. God knows we don't know the future but Brian and I are pretty decided that there will be a 2nd baby crane someday (if the universe allows) so it feels bizarre to be preventing pregnancy. I'm not looking to be pregnant right now; my body and mind don't feel ready. But it's really weird to prevent natural pregnancy because if by some miracle I could achieve a natural pregnancy, I'd view it as a welcome miracle. 

That's enough about me. On the Hartley front, she is growing up so freaking fast. I have been on a picture taking binge because she looks less like a baby and more like a toddler with each passing day. Brian even said over the weekend, "she looks like a toddler now". Maybe it's because she's starting to wear 18 month clothes (though her 12 month stuff still fits) or maybe it's because of her size. She seems so tall now. I used to hate that people kept saying "she looks skinnier". Ugh, she's my baby, I don't want her to be skinny. Babies aren't supposed to be "skinny". But I think they just mean she's thinning out due the extra moving she's doing, and that makes her look older, too.

She continues to be on the cusp of crawling. She rocks back and forth. She has managed 1 coordinated arm and knee forward motion but I'm not counting it. 

Our new family thing is sitting on the floor just watching that sweet diapered butt pop up as she tries to figure things out. 

Over the weekend we went to Barrel Oak Winery. It was her second winery trip since birth and needless to say, it was a thousand times better than the first. It was a beautiful day for it, and she really loves being outside. 

She also tried out the baby swing at the playground for the first time this weekend. The first few minutes she was unsure but she was smiling and laughing in no time as her dad pushed her. I kept track of big sis Winnie. And all four of us got to go down the slides: Hartley in Brian's lap and Winnie in mine. 

We finished off the weekend with a family Target run. Hartley loves Target. She's always babbling and laughing as we stroll all the aisles. Yeah, she's my child for sure! 

We continue to work on the nap schedule. We're starting swimming lessons tomorrow. Basically, H's first fall is off to a fabulous start. I'm really going to try to get better about documenting it on here. 

Hoping everyone else is loving the nice weather and start of fall! Let's soak it up because Winter will be here before we know it! 

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