Monday, September 8, 2014

7 months.

Dear Hartley,

Today you are 7 months old! You get more wild and fun by the day! You are always smiling and laughing. You are just the epitome of a ham baby. I'm frequently told that you have the best disposition.

I wish I could bottle this stage up and keep it forever. You tire me out like no other but you are just the happiest, sweetest, giggliest little girl lately! 

This past month was a big month for you. You started eating solid foods. You totally hated the first couple weeks of it. But you're starting to come around. Here are the foods you've tried from your favorite to least favorite: sweet potatoes, carrots, applesauce, butternut squash, banana, avocado, peas. You love to play with your food and attempt to get the spoon in your mouth. 

You still love your bouncer. And dad and I love it because it can handle your energy level better than we can! Dad bought you a fisher price remote a few weeks ago, and it's a current favorite toy. Though you also love brushes, balls and books. You are obsessed with iPhones, which simultaneously cracks me up and drives me nuts. You love baths. 

You love being sung to and listening to music. Dad is always playing oldie type music for you but I stick  with pop stuff and occasionally gangster rap. 

You love being naked and hate having clothes put on you! Your dad has likened diaper changes to wrestling a wild boar, and I'd have to agree. 

This past weekend your dad and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary by going out of town to Annapolis for the night. It was our first night away from you, and nana and poppy took care of you. They said you did great! And I know you had fun because you love nana and poppy so much. Poppy has taught you a new trick: ripping up magazines. You think it's a blast, and I think he thinks it's funny to watch you do it. This past weekend he saved a family handyman magazine for you to trash. We are quickly learning "not toys" are far more fun than toys. Especially jewelry - the most fun "not toy" toy! 

You continue to look like you will crawl any day. You mastered backwards crawling this month. It is absolutely hysterical. Between backwards crawling and rolling everywhere, we decided put up a play yard in the living room. You don't mind it but your best friend Winnie hates being separated from you so we usually have to put her in there with you. 

You are big into bouncing. You are the only baby I've ever seen that bounces herself when she's in someone's lap. You much prefer to be moving around on your own than being snuggled. You kind of feel like a toddler before your time! 

I think our current favorite thing is your laugh. It's adorable, and usually very loud. 

The toughest part of this past month was you boycotting naps. You really hate to nap! 

As always, I'm amazed at how our bond grows. We couldn't love you more if we tried.

Happy 7 month birthday, Hartley Glenn! You are so loved now and always. 

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