Monday, May 20, 2013

Medications for an FET

I'm so tired of taking all sorts of medications. And I'm also just plain tired.

Today's Regimen:

1 Progesterone in Oil injection in the morning (given by Brian)
Estrace pills - 3 times a day
1 baby aspirin
1 pre natal vitamin
1 daily dose from my Z-pack
1 progesterone suppository before bed

The progesterone in oil shot seemed to make me dizzy for about 5 hours. It has also made me incredibly tired. The Estrace is giving me major hot flashes and moodiness. The z pack makes me feel queasy. The progesterone suppository makes me sleepy. And the baby aspirin regimen makes me bruise like a peach and any time I cut myself shaving it takes 15 minutes to clot.

Hilarious because I unknowingly thought the FET cycle was a break from medication.

We are still awaiting transfer. It's possible some of these dosages will be increased post transfer.

The last few days it's started to occur to me this cycle might not work. Trying not to go there often but it's natural as things get closer to adjust to that thought.

I am so tired of medicine. After all is said and done, and I've given birth to a healthy baby, I'm done with taking all this crap. Truly, I'm going to try to convert to a healthier, more natural way of life.

Here's a list of what I've taken over the past 6 months:

- Clomid
- HCG trigger shots
- Progesterone suppositories
- birth control pills
- Z-packs
- Tylenol with Codeine
- Vicodin
- Keflex
- Gonal F injections
- Menopur injections
- Ganerelix injections
- A Lupron trigger
- Pre-Natal Vitamins
- Baby Aspirin Regimen
- Estrace
- Progesterone in Oil injections

I'm relieved to have been pretty busy lately so all this fertility stuff has been somewhere way deep in the back of my mind but I don't think about it as often as I used to. Brian told me he thinks about it every day. We still have several weeks before we get any big news so maybe it just hasn't hit me yet...

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