Sunday, March 22, 2015

Life lately

Life has been non stop lately.

Brian is napping. Hartley has finally crashed after being awake and active for over 6 hours straight. And I am laying on my side on the couch so I can feel Patrick kick.

I can honestly say I've had moments where I've questioned my mothering capabilities but after this week, I feel like a total rockstar mama. I'm very proud - and will brag - I'm 19 weeks pregnant and keeping up with the world's most active 13 month old!

Every single day Sunday through Thursday I managed to get Hartley outside to play. Whether it was running around the neighborhood or going to the park, we played outside. We only ran errands that involved walking or strolling to our destination. Fresh air and sunshine are musts these days. 

I managed to get home cooked meals on the table and stay on top of the dishes and the laundry. And everyday when Brian came home, it didn't look like the toddler tornado had been through (even though she certainly had). 

When Brian got home from work, we'd head back out to play. 

Then on Friday when crappy weather hit and the rest of the world complained, we just stayed inside and savored a slower, indoor day. 

And even though I am someone who naps less than a handful of times a year (literally, I only nap after surgeries or having a baby), I crashed. At 2pm on Friday, my exhausted pregnant body just couldn't go anymore. I put Hartley down, and a few minutes later I was in nap land. 

When I woke up, I felt great. Nothing like an wonderful, exhausting week with a nap finale. My mom brought over dinner, which was amazing and such a huge help. We all sat on the living room floor just watching Hartley dance and bounce the ball (her new favorite thing to do). It was a great way to ring in the weekend.

Yesterday was probably the prettiest day of the year so far. We were super productive while also being super playful outside. A very hard balance to strike as parents, especially when one of us is slower than usual!

We learned of Hartley's love of digging in mulch and finding gum tree balls. Doesn't nature have the very best toys? I swear, before gum tree balls - sticks, rocks and leaves were her thing. She finds them on the ground and carries them with her. Then when a cooler one is spotted and she realizes she can't carry them all, she's drops what she has and gets the new one. 

None of us slept well last night. I swear being an insomniac stinks but when you can't take sleeping pills, it really stinks. Brian did overnight Hartley duty, and she wasn't in the mood to sleep. We all fought the tired this morning, and the cranes' nest should've been called the grumpy zombie nest.

Now Brian is up. And you know after a 20 minute nap, Hartley is up, too. She will hit her wall one of these days but until then we'll just stand back and wonder how in the hell she does it. 

She can do nap yoga though:

Now when we go places and people ask how old she is, we always receive looks of shock when we say "13 months". And if only they could know how little sleep it takes to charge that whirling dervish! 

It's off to the playground. 

There ain't no ham like a Hartley ham - cause a Hartley ham don't stop! 

Oh and my latest favorite picture. Girlfriend is a future yogi: 

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