Sunday, November 9, 2014

9 months.

Dear Hartley,

It's so hard to believe you're already 9 months old!

This month has basically been defined by non-stop movement and exploration. If there's a ledge to pull up on, you're pulling yourself up on it. If there is something a little dangerous or off limits, you gravitate right towards it. An opportunity to climb or cruise? You're all over it. 

This month you've mastered letting go of things and allowing yourself to fall gently. You've begun standing without holding on to things but only for a few seconds. You are an extremely fast crawler. 

You are also extremely inquisitive. Everything must be inspected.

 You are always "reading". You love touch and feel books. You love baths and playing with your various bath toys. You love your foam alphabet letter bath toys. 

You babble a ton... and loudly! You are always saying, "dadadadadada", "mamamamama", "nananananana", and "gagagagagagaga". Sometimes I could swear you say words. I've heard you say what sounds like "quack" when we talk about ducks. Your talking is adorable but your laughter is probably my favorite sound of all time. Your dad and I find ourselves doing just about anything to hear that sweet laugh. 

You've been enjoying your first fall. You went to a pumpkin patch and have taken many strolls in the nice fall weather. You love crunching leaves. When I take you for walks, I find the prettiest colored leaves for you to take with us, and you crunch them into teeny pieces. 

Your dad went to Florida for a few days this month so we had our first "just the two of us" time. Nana and Poppy helped us a bunch. They've baby sat you a lot recently, and you light up when you see them. 

You've also had a bad rash that I took you to the doctor for. Turns out you have a viral infection. I guess "tis the season". It doesn't seem to have slowed you down any though! 

You dressed as a mouse for your first Halloween and sat out front with mom and dad to hand out candy to the trick or treaters. 

You've been having lots of play dates with a sweet baby boy named Kyle. And you've been hanging out with Lily, your neighborhood birthday twin. 

You have six teeth now, and you're always showing them off by smiling really big.

And yes, these tidbits seem haphazard and out of order but you have me pretty tired lately so I can't even think straight! 

But as exhausted as I am at the end of each day, I always feel so blessed and lucky to have you as my daughter. You are adorable, strong, wild, sweet, fun, daring and willful. I am absolutely blown away by the little person you are becoming. I often tell your dad that I am convinced you are going to do big things and leave a huge mark on this world because you are becoming such an extraordinary little human. I look into your big, mesmerizing blue eyes and find myself so in awe of you. 

Your dad and I love you so incredibly much. We can't wait to see what the next month will bring! 

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