Saturday, March 8, 2014

One month.

Dear Hartley,

Today you are one month old. Your dad says how you cheated in a sense because February was a short month. Yep, you're 28 days but we're giving it to you - one month today!

I can't believe we welcomed you 4 weeks ago. Somehow it feels like a blink yet it's hard to imagine that you haven't always been here. 

I'm seeing so much of your personality already. You are an extremely inquisitive baby. I've never seen anything quite like it. You are extremely alert. You have been since day one. Doctors and nurses said it in the hospital, and everyone who meets you when you're awake says it too. You stay awake for longer stretches than most babies and have amazing control over your eyes. You focus well on faces, those are your favorite to look at.

You love your activity gym and looking in the mirror. You love to stare at lights. You love your swing. Holy moly, you freaking love that swing. You like car rides. You love strolls. You love your bear suit (a snow suit with bear ears). 

You hate baths, burping (you'd rather not take a break from eating) and being wiped. Kid, you'd rather sit in a dirty diaper than let us wipe you clean.

Did I mention you love eating? Uh, you are a beast with eating. A doctor quipped that you "live to eat", and you do. You are growing like a weed. You were 10 pounds, 3 ounces a couple days ago, and you're long. The doctor said, "well, no growth issues here!" Yeah, I'm thinking you might be tall like your dad because you don't get it from mama.

You can hold your head up and move it from side to side. You can roll from your back to your side. You are doing these very early. Again, the doctors have made comments on your strength. You now grab and pull on things... Shirts... Hair. And I'm teaching you how to pet Winnie. 

You are read to every day. I love to read your mood book to you and dad loves to read Fall Ball to you, a book about football. Nana reads to you often, and is always bringing you new books. Kid, you've got a library like no other.

I think every day how blessed we are that you are so extremely healthy. And not that beauty is what matters, but you are an incredibly gorgeous baby. I'm bias but even strangers say you are "stunning". Your great grandpa says you should be a model on a baby food jar. 

You look like your mama ;) A friend told us that if you could get your dad's height, we'll have a supermodel on our hands! 

We love you more than words could ever say. You have exceeded every dream we've ever had. We are so lucky to be your parents. 

Now you're stirring, which means soon you'll be ready to eat and play. Yay!

Love you, sweet Hartley Glenn.

Xoxo, Mama

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