Sunday, May 24, 2015

28 weeks.

How far along? 28 weeks. The 3rd trimester is here!
Weight gain? 10 pounds
Maternity clothes? Yep, and my non maternity yoga pants. 
Stretch marks? Weirdest thing ever, I got tons of stretch marks with Hartley (and early) but none this pregnancy (yet).
Best moment of the week? Getting to lay in bed after waking up yesterday morning. Hartley keeps waking up earlier, and I keep waking up more exhausted, so whenever Brian does weekend mornings with her, I'm basically in heaven. 
Miss anything? Oh yes, I miss a lot of non pregnant things. I miss having energy and being able to bend over with ease. I'd miss alcohol but I'm mainly too tired to even want to drink. Crazy, huh? Oh, and I miss sleep.
Movement? Yep. Though I feel he's slowed down since I've stopped eating as much sugar. 
Cravings? Well, that's the epitome of a sore spot! I miss pregnant eating. I crave my mom's chocolate chip cookies, which are my comfort craving for sure. 
Have you started to show? Yep! In the last week I've started having strangers feel confident enough to ask me pregnancy questions (ie: what am I having, when am I due). As bizarre as it sounds, I always kind of like this point because I actually think I look pretty cute rocking a baby bump, and I genuinely enjoy getting kind words and well wishes from strangers. 
Gender: boy. 
Belly button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? I've worn my band a few times recently and it fits fine. 
Happy or moody? Mainly moody this week but there were still happy moments. I feel like my hormones did a number on me this week, and I was freaking out about pretty much everything. Oh the tears that invaded our house! 
Looking forward to: honestly, I'm not rushing time to get anywhere right now. I'm happy to have Brian home for a long weekend this weekend and another long weekend next weekend. It nice to have him around and it helps me a lot not to do everything solo. I am looking forward to seeing Patrick at the sonogram this week to make sure he's baking ok. I haven't seen him since I was diagnosed with diabetes, and even if I don't say it, it's been something that stresses me out. (This is not a routine sonogram; they need to take another look at his kidneys.)

This pregnancy has been a very weird one. In a lot of ways I describe it as a "non event". I know how awful that sounds but we're so busy that there's not much time to stop and think about being pregnant or adding a member to our family. Every now and then Brian and I will say to each other, "has it hit you yet?" And the answer is always, "not really". 

When we had quiet time in Lansdowne, we finally stopped to talk about the baby. It was probably the first time we really talked about him (and I was 26 weeks along). The 2nd pregnancy thing is nothing like the first. Add in the extreme of going from a meticulously planned and anticipated IVF pregnancy to a surprise pregnancy? Our minds haven't fully gotten completely around this whole thing.

Today we're going to look at a model home, so that's exciting. Last night Brian told me we're outgrowing our house. I'm constantly telling people, "we have enough space". I might be in denial of my quickly growing family but after having seen a bunch of single family homes online lately, I'm pretty sold on moving next year if we can pull it off. I'm just day dreaming of the possibility of converting a first floor living room in to a playroom while still having a family room that's not constantly cluttered with baby/toddler stuff. And I constantly dream of having a yard; it doesn't need to be huge but a good, safe yard for the kids would be perfect. I so badly want them to get a play set in the backyard like I always had as a kid. 

That's life right now. I guess it's been a lot to get my pregnant head around but I know all of these big changes will end up being great changes! I'm also embracing tears and mixed emotions. I feel no need to fake being together. I'm scared and nervous and excited and happy. I'm entering the third trimester very proud of myself though. Even though I'm certainly not perfect, I'm so proud of keeping up with Hartley even when my pregnancy hasn't been smooth sailing. I'm ready to knock out these next 12 weeks and ready to take on the next challenge level! 

Oh, and totally unrelated, I have found boy clothes to be a little more challenging than girl clothes. But how could a sweet, teeny little mint whale outfit not get a person excited for baby time? My mom bought him the matching receiving blanket, and this may have to either be his first outfit ever or his "take home" outfit. Insert the smiley emoticon with the heart eyes: 

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