Even though I did my fair share of worrying over the weekend, I relaxed a lot and we spent the weekend just the two of us (never ever happens). We ate less sodium. Yummy chicken marinaded in fresh lemon juice and veggies cooked in olive oil. No seasonings. And when I was home, I was mainly lounging on the couch or in bed. Apparently that really works for lowering blood pressure. So now I know I need to be careful.
I still had protein in my pee today. But it was the same amount as Thursday so things aren't getting worse. From what I understand, elevated blood pressure causes your blood vessels in your kidneys to weaken and leak protein in your urine.
So I did the 24 hour urine test. It was annoying but hilarious. All my pee over 24 hours had to be stored in a jug in our fridge. Brian was oddly obsessed with the whole thing and would ask me how many ounces I peed and how full the jug was. I also heard his "I just had a swig of this lemonade in the fridge and it was delicious" joke a thousand times. I was so relieved (no pun intended) when I dropped a giant jug of urine at the office, and there was no one in the waiting room.
I get all my test results tomorrow. I'm thinking because my blood pressure is down everything will be great. It was a good wake up call that I need to get more strict with things. A lot of people might think sodium intake means I put a lot of salt on my foods or I only eat fried food but sodium is a sneaky little bitch that is in almost everything. I laugh in my head when people say they are eating lean cuisines to be healthy. Ever wonder how very cheap frozen still tastes good? Salt to the max. Those things will kill you. And basically everything you get at a restaurant is full of salt.
And unfortunately preeclampsia runs in my family. And it's more popular in first time pregnancies. And IVF drastically increases your risk (hence the reason I take aspirin every day). IVF, while wonderful, is also a bit of a tricky bitch.
The sonogram tech reminded me today that because I'm an IVF pregnancy that they'll be watching me closely. I guess it's a good thing but it does sometimes scare me when they remind me of increased risks.
But Hartley looked beautiful in the sonogram. She is definitely a girl. The tech pointed out her girl parts to me, and I actually could decipher what I saw! Her heart rate is perfect. She's measuring exactly on schedule and weighs an estimated 1 pound, 9 oz. She was laying oblique with her little ankles crossed. She did not want to move much for the tech. I totally get it. My bladder is full and this woman is poking into my tummy. I didn't find it comfortable so I doubt Hart did. Brian and I let out an "awwwwww" is unison when we saw her little face. So amazing.
We are both thrilled and a tad nervous (ok I'm nervous, he's not) that this new member is joining us in 3.5 months. It's getting really close. So we're back to reading baby books. Brian hung some of the wall art I made. I bought girlie curtains today, and Brian will hang them tonight.
I should be researching pediatricians and registering for childbirth class....
But writing this was more fun.
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