Well, at first I told myself, it's got to be the flu. My body aches and I'm throwing up = flu. Then I decided to be safe I'd go to giant to check my blood pressure. I went and there was this sweet older lady sitting next to the machine. It awkwardly talks the directions to you super loudly so I apologized to her for the noise. We made some small talk. The cuff read my blood pressure then dinged a little as "AT RISK" showed up on the screen. The woman asked if it was ok, and I told her it was. Sweet old lady caring about this random pregnant lady in the grocery store.
I texted Brian that I'd get groceries. Then I stopped and thought, "page, it's okay to call the doctor. Just call them so they can tell you it's just first time mom silliness." (I had this same voice tell me to call a doctor when I stopped getting my periods. I can't even think where I'd be had I never made that call.)
I called the doctor and explained my week to them. Highlighting today's throw up fest. They told me to come in immediately. So I did. My blood pressure was elevated. There was protein in my pee. But the only thing not pointing to preeclampsia is how I look. I don't look sick.
They ran blood work to make sure it's nothing serious. They'll call about that tomorrow. I know it'll be fine - I'm not thinking it's affecting my liver. But the fun part is I get to pee in to a jug for 24 hours over the weekend and go in Monday to have my urine checked again and my blood checked again.
I'm not terribly afraid of preeclampsia. If I don't have it yet, I'm guessing I will probably develop it since the tests lean that way. My mom had it. The scary thing is - it's too early in my pregnancy. At 30+ weeks they can deliver the baby early. This is just really too early. My mom was on bed rest so if it comes to that, that's fine. I just want baby and I to make it longer and be safe and healthy.
I told Brian today, never again am I doing pregnancy. I never quite get to be that lucky woman who had an easy go of this child making process. And feeling as lousy as I do today, I can't wait for it to be over.
They tell me you're doing great in there. I'll do whatever they end up telling me to make sure you get here safely. If that's to lay in bed and eat carbs then I'll do it ;)
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