Monday, August 12, 2013

Tiredness & The Dresser

So apparently second trimester does not make one immune from extreme tiredness. Ugh, I can't tolerate coffee these days, and yet I can't seem to wake up fully... ever. The funny thing is now that the medicine is drastically decreasing the "morning sickness", I'm actually noticing how tired I am.

The nice part is I'm not working so if I all I can do is lay around all day, that's acceptable. And Brian seems to think that's totally cool. He justifies it by the fact that baby-growing is a job in itself. Gold star for an extraordinarily understanding hubby.

So my jobs for the day are taking my car in and folding a shit ton of laundry but other than that just lazing around to my heart's content.

Now, about the dresser. The first thing I did this morning was go in to the nursery and stare at the dresser. Ah, glorious nursery progress at 14.5 weeks. So we have a crib that will remain packed up until after the room is painted. But Brian and my brother picked up this dresser yesterday, and all I can do is marvel at how it is EXACTLY what I wanted. Sure, it took a day of shopping and a handful of stores to find it but it's perfect. It's going to double as a changing table, has a little extra surface area for some grooming goodies, and will be a perfect compliment for the crib. It's the perfect balance of plain without being too modern or sterile and still maintaining some charm. It has less character than the crib so it's not sensory overload but will still match well.

And the part you're probably wondering about is, "um, is it missing drawers?" You'll think I'm nuts but I specifically looked for a dresser with an opening(s) for baskets. I felt like it would add a little something to the dresser if it weren't all drawers. And I have seen some awesome basket ideas, including nifty marache baskets at The Container Store. I think sometimes I have visions others just don't see when I describe so it might take a finished product to understand fully.

Also, if kiddo eventually grows out of this dresser (which won't happen soon - it's a very solid, quality piece), it'd be an awesome piece of furniture for somewhere else in the house. Hell, I'd use it as my dresser!

The one challenge I'm starting to notice with the nursery: it's TINY! But I can't lie, I love a challenge. Though I have to look back and laugh at when we looked at homes, and everyone said nurseries can basically be the size of a walk in closet. And in our situation what is comes down to is a lack of surface area. The baby has plenty of storage space but it's going to be near impossible to figure out how to squeeze in lots of tabletop items. I need a place to change the baby, place a video monitor, a sound machine and a humidifier.  Screw trying to make room for a table top lamp or nightstand beside the glider or even a fan... at this point I just need to solve getting the basics in this bad boy!

But I guess that's where my pricey design degree comes in handy.

Just wait and see for the cutest VERY small space nursery you've ever seen.

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