Monday, August 5, 2013

Hello, 2nd Trimester!

So yesterday marked the beginning of the 2nd trimester. Not quite sure where the first one went but I'm pretty sure it got gobbled up with excitement mixed with uncertainty mixed with throw up, and I'm not sad to see it go!

I had a doctor's appointment today, and everything appears to be going great.

I got the results from the NT scan, and our baby crane has a 1 in 10,000 chance of a chromosomal abnormality. I asked if that was good, and they told me that's fantastic. It's the lowest percent chance they would assign as a result.

My blood pressure was normal. My weight is up 1 pound on the doctor's scale. They seemed happy that I hadn't lost weight.

And the best part, I got to hear baby crane's heart beat. Sweetest little thuds.

I told the doctor I was happy to know the baby was still in there. And she put me so much at ease that I felt comfortable asking her if I was normal. Was it normal that I think my baby would just disappear?

What she said to me was beyond comforting. She told me that my whole life, I probably thought I'd just be able to have kids. Then infertility teaches the mind to expect the unexpected. It conditions a woman to be very aware that unlikely/bad things can and do happen to good people. She told me that I am completely normal. And that if a fertile woman ever tells me otherwise, it's because she has no idea. It was one the few things someone said to me during this pregnancy that truly validated some of the emotions I had been and occasionally still feel. I think it helped that it was a doctor, too.

I left that appointment just feeling all sorts of wonderful.

I also had a great weekend where I had a real appetite and energy. I ate Chinese food and pizza! Didn't throw up anything! I was moving around like my normal self. And I got to go on some trail walks to enjoy the gorgeous weather and crisp, fresh air.

We worked on our baby registry and bought the dresser for the nursery. I'll take a picture when it's delivered.

So bring on this 2nd trimester! I'm ready to eat for 2 and soak up some of the fun stuff like the gender reveal and nursery preparations!

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