Total weight gain/loss: 0 lbs - holding strong at my pre-pregnancy weight
Maternity clothes? Nope. I just wear yoga pants and summer dresses.
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: Sleeping wonderfully. I probably sleep 10 hours a night on average.
Best moment this week: Announcing my pregnancy on Facebook! Ordering our gender reveal invites.
Miss Anything? I miss feeling well, having energy and my old appetite!
Movement: Not yet. Placenta is in the front so I shouldn't feel much until later in the game.
Food cravings: None. But I love water, ice, fruit juice, and popsicles.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Almost everything, except popsicles.
Have you started to show yet: I think I'm showing but just a little.
Gender: Don't know yet! My guess is boy.
Belly Button in or out? In
Belly Button in or out? In
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time:Moody :(
Looking forward to: The official end of the first trimester in 5 days. Our gender reveal party in September. Shopping for baby once we know the gender. And ditching the queasy/sick part of pregnancy!
I desperately need to take a bump picture. If you're wondering what is so tough about taking a silly picture - it's more of the getting dressed and putting on a little make up part.
My "morning sickness" is keeping me in bed almost all the time, and it's actually getting really depressing. I see my doctor in a week, and if this continues I'm going to ask if there's medication for this. I don't think my morning sickness is quite "severe". 1% of women have severe morning sickness, and it's defined by violent vomiting that leads to dehydration. While I am vomiting after each meal, it is usually a small amount. I am very careful to drink enough water. It's hard for me to eat though so my body is in a very weak/achey state. I'd compare it to a mild version of a stomach flu.
I desperately want to be done with this part so I can return to a more normal version of my life.
I also notice I'm very emotional. Brian wanted to run out and buy a dresser for the nursery this weekend, and I couldn't do it. And I cried about it. I cried about the nursery needing to be perfect. Oh the crying!
On a happy note, we bought the crib and the first few cloth diapers to start our stash! I'm so excited for these goodies to arrive in the next few days. We also ordered our gender reveal invites, and I'm going to review the proof today! Thank goodness for the wonderful world of online shopping; even though I can't indulge in a delicious pregnancy craving, I can indulge in a shopping craving.
Goal for the next blog: incorporating pictures!
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