I had mentioned my morning sickness on here before. I had actually written a few blog entries on it but never had the nerve to publish them.
Let's rewind. While we were doing IVF, and I was loading my body up on all sorts of artificial crap, I talked to Brian about how I couldn't wait to be done with living life that way. After I was cleared to go off my medications, I was going to buy natural household cleaners and hygiene products and go to the farmer's market for my produce. And I would OF COURSE I'd go medication free during my pregnancy.
Fast forward from that to a woman who couldn't keep a meal down to save her life. I certainly wasn't eating fruits and vegetables. I was proud of myself for eating popsicles, chicken noodle soup from a can and saltines. They would always come back up but they were the easiest to take in. Whenever I'd eat in front of people, I'd eat as slowly as possible to avoid the embarrassment of running straight to the bathroom afterwards.
It wasn't just throwing up though. It was staying in bed for literally days at a time. I was crying because I felt weak, nauseous, exhausted, and on top of that, guilty that my baby might not be getting what it needed from me. I noticed myself praying for the day to fly by so I could go to sleep because it was the only time I didn't feel miserable.
But I wasn't going to cave and get medicine. Well, thank goodness a couple people convinced me it might be time to call my doctor and at least ask about my options.
When I called I told the nurse exactly what I was experiencing. No exaggeration - just how exactly the past few weeks had gone. And if anyone doesn't believe me, just ask Brian aka Mr.Holds My Hair Back While I Puke and Cleans Out My Barf Bucket.
I told her, "I don't think it's severe because my vomiting is not violent, nor is it in horribly huge amounts". But apparently at 12 weeks, I shouldn't be throwing up after every meal. My pee should not be the color of apple cider vinegar, which is a sign of dehydration (even though I drink at least 10 glasses of water a day). They prescribed me Zofran and a carbohydrate diet. They recommended a sea sickness wrist band, too.
I left my house for the first time in days to pick up my medicine. Ah, sweet sunlight and fresh air - I had missed those so much. I popped the first tablet as soon as I got home, and 30 minutes later, I was already feeling better. I felt well all last night. I took a tablet before breakfast this morning, and my anxiety about eating went away. I walked into my kitchen without throwing up. I ate without tasting soury stomach acid in my mouth immediately afterward. I took Winnie for a walk which felt so incredibly good. I felt some nastiness creep in a few minutes ago and just popped a second tablet.
I feel like a new woman. I no longer detest pregnancy! Thank you, sweet Zofran.
I'm sure some women think it's weak or wrong to take medicine like this while pregnant but those women can hug a toilet for me. I prefer my ability to function over the pride of saying I toughed it out in bed for months.
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