My 1st "Bump" Picture |
1st thing Brian & I purchased for Baby Crane |
To start off and give credit where credit is due, the chalkboard idea is being adapted from a mommy blogger named Jessica Garvin who documented her bump pictures through amazing chalkboard designs. The truth is, I don't have her chalkboard skills but I absolutely love the idea. Until week 12, I think I'll be doing bump pictures every other week. Truthfully, right now I feel bloated and pudgy and don't even want to lie and call it a baby bump :)
The bunny was a very special first purchase. For two and a half years, I looked at pictures of nurseries to keep myself going. And a couple years ago, I picked out Pottery Barn Kids bedding that I loved. It was discontinued during our trying to conceive journey. Well, during our fertility treatment I fell in love with bunny themed bedding from Pottery Barn Kids. Low and behold, it was discontinued during our round of IVF. I looked around for something equally as cute but never found anything. I'm going to figure out the bedding situation without the help of Pottery Barn Kids but I needed Baby Crane to have a bunny. And this one is so soft and sweet.
So far into this pregnancy, I'm feeling pretty good. I get the things many women describe as early pregnancy symptoms: nausea, tiredness, super human smelling power, emotional, and some food pickiness. To be honest, I haven't felt "normal" in a very, very long time so these things aren't a huge bother to me. It's not as though I went from even keeled hormones to crazy, spazzy hormones.
Lately, this pregnancy has been all about freaking Mexican food. Last night, we went to the grocery store to buy chips, queso, and guacamole. Today, I made a Chipotle lunch run, which has become a pretty regular thing for me. I don't now what it is but I can not get enough Mexican food in my belly. I mean, I am a quarter Mexican and Mexican food IS delicious but it's crazy to be wanting it at any time of day, every day.
Lastly, while I went through fertility treatments, I made some promises. Here they are for the world to read:
1. I always promised myself that once I got pregnant I would savor it. There are so many women who deserve a biological child and don't get to have one, and I try to remember that every day. I'm not saying that I think the remaining 8ish months will be a breeze but I owe it to every woman who doesn't get to experience this to embrace it and always strive to find the wonderful in it.
2. On a less sweet note, I vowed never to become a "mommy". I want to be a loving mom and do right by my kids. But when I start using words like "stinkin" OR talking about "mommyhood", someone please punch me in the face. I vow to not talk about my kids poop. I vow to not obsess. I vow to still be Page and not some freaky mommified version of myself. Yes, freaky mommified. Some ladies own that freaky mommified shit but it is not my deal.
We will have our first sonogram on Monday so I might just have to throw a picture of the little bean onto the blog. At this point it will look just like a teeny blob. But I'm sure I'll think it's an adorable blob. God knows I think my dog is the most adorable dog on the planet (which she is) so it would stand to reason that I'll think my blob is the most adorable blob ever.
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