Monday, June 10, 2013

5 Weeks (as of yesterday)

The reason I started this blog was to organize my thoughts and vent about something that was extremely hard for me. But I'm so overjoyed that my blog gets to transition into an actual baby blog.

Eventually, once I'm a little further along, I'd like to get one of those cutesy survey formats but for the time being I'll be a little random.

So far, my pregnancy only has one horrible, crappy side effect - insomnia from hell. I can easily tolerate tearing up at the sight of roadkill or smelling smokers from a half mile away. Queasiness, acid reflux and I all go wayyy back so I don't mind them either. But my God, what does a girl have to do to get a little sleep? Since I found out I'm pregnant (a little over a week ago), I haven't slept through the night once. Take last night for example, I slept from 10 pm-12:30 am, then 4 am - 6 am. Writing this blog on 4.5 broken hours of sleep, I gotta say I'm a little bitter than I didn't get the magic pregnancy sleepiness that some ladies get.

Some may say this is practice for when the baby gets here. But I'll just keep hoping it turns around so I'll actually have the energy to push a human being out of my vagina in 8 months.

But I must say, minus the insomnia, I'm as happy as a clam. And so is Brian.

He is completely catering to me - especially in the form of running out to get me Chipotle everyday. Yep, that's my only real craving, and it's the only thing that tastes good lately. Don't worry, I'm forcing in nutritious food so my child does not come out in the form of a 10 pound Chipotle burrito.

I've bought baby crane (aka burrito?) a couple small things. And he/she has already received their first gift.

Brian and I have talked a lot about the nursery, and we're both on the same page. And we've only had our baby names picked out for forever.

I definitely have a lot of research I need to do on all things baby. I don't want them to hand off baby crane to me and get home from the hospital and think, "Now what the hell do I do?"

We have some things we're going in start working on shortly. We're going to clear out what is in the nursery. It's not much but we converted it in to a makeshift office before starting IVF. And I'm going to start looking at paint swatches. I'm also going to compile the ultimate registry list. That will take much research but I want to make sure I do it right.

I also need to decide whether to stay with my current OB-GYN in McLean or look around for someone more experienced and ideally, a little closer. Decisions, decisions.

Either later today or tomorrow, I will update with some pictures of the happenings so far. Yay! My blog finally won't just be lots and lots of words!

Meanwhile, I'll be giving the evil eye to anyone who looks well rested...

1 comment:

  1. Woot woot woot woooooooot. Baby burrito has lots of people waiting to love on him/her out here. Happy things! xox - SJ
