Sunday, April 7, 2013

Infertility Treatments and Your Body

So I'll be completely honest, I was not a skinny minny before starting fertility drugs. I've struggled with my weight ever since I can remember. Any of my "skinnier" phases were just a lot of hard work. But since starting Clomid last May, without changing my diet what so ever, everything fits tighter. I feel so swollen.

That is actually very typical. And supposedly, the IVF injectables are even worse. Women tend to balloon up.

Well, the truth is - I can't take anymore weight gain.

I don't need to be skinny but I need to be healthy. I can't feel like I'm dragging my fat ass around and getting sweaty and winded after walking a few miles.

Right now, I'm not supposed to be exercising or lifting much. So obviously, I'm not hitting the gym after writing this entry.

But what I've decided to do is do the South Beach Diet. I'm putting it in this blog to hold myself accountable. And since the next two weeks are really considered my "recovery" period, the strictest part of the diet won't impact an actual stage of the IVF process. Looks like the surgery was good for something!

We intended to start today, and I made us a South Beach breakfast: egg beaters & canadian bacon. But going to our god daughters' christening derailed our lunch. We also received a delicious edible arrangement from my grandma which we will let ourselves enjoy. It's not everyday people spoil you with stuff like that. Brian is going to make us a South Beach dinner: bun-less turkey burgers and grilled veggies. And tomorrow will be our first full day on the diet!

Since I was too afraid to get on the scale, I closed my eyes, and Brian wrote down my weight for me.

I did give him my "oh my god please don't let it be more than X pounds"... and it was less than that... thank goodness.

I'll weigh back in in 2 weeks, and then confront the new number on the scale.

Throughout the IVF process I intend to weigh in weekly to try to keep things under control. That terrifies me but so does having a horribly unhealthy pregnancy. I've gone through enough already; I don't need extra complications.

A Baby Crane is not turning into a weight loss blog but I do plan on using this as an outlet to get through "Phase 1" of my diet.

Plus, if you didn't know about the weight gain aspect of treatment, this sheds a little light on something people don't really like to talk about. Now you know why your favorite infertile mertile has a little extra junk in her trunk ;)

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