Sunday, April 28, 2013

Day Before Retrieval.

I am officially uncomfortable. At all the last few monitoring appointments they would ask me how  was feeling. They always seemed shocked when I'd say, "I feel great!" I was thinking, look at me just doing IVF like a fucking champ.

Now that's biting me in the ass.

I feel uncomfortable. It's a sensation I really can't describe. When I go to sit down and my butt hits the chair, I feel like my ovaries are going to burst. Same thing happens when I bend over. I feel super bloated so I'm going to the bathroom non-stop thinking it will deflate me but no such luck.

I have two very huge ovaries filled with giant eggs. The doctor said it's somewhere between 15-20 eggs that range in size from about 20 mm up to 26/27 mm. Needless to say, it feels weird. It feels nothing like a 16.5 mm egg just hanging out in one of my ovaries.

My body is officially freaking out, and I've cried a few times today.

I have less than 24 hours until the retrieval.

I am nervous.

Going into IVF, the retrieval was one of the parts that terrified me.

I am so excited for all of this but it catches up to me sometimes. Holy moly... am I really walking around with 20 eggs? Did I actually just give myself 30 injections over the past 2 weeks? Are we seriously doing this?

They are going to take 15-20 eggs out of me. And they are going to mix them with Brian's sperm. And most will fertilize and grow. This IS happening.


Let the roller coaster of emotions continue!

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