Today is the day for IUI #3! I am excited and skeptical at the same time.
Here's how our cycle progressed:
Cycle Days 5-9: 150 mg Clomid
Cycle Day 12: 1st monitoring showed no follicles that had matured
Cycle Day 14: 2 follicles appear about 12mm each in size
Cycle Day 16: follicles do not appear to have grown (in this past this indicated a cyst)
Cycle Day 19: follicles disappeared, empty ovaries
Cycle Day 21: something appears but there's a lot of confusion of what is showing on the ultrasound
Cycle Day 22: it looks like it's an egg or possibly two that are converged. it measures between 16-16.5mm, doctor tells us she'll try to give us tomorrow off going to monitoring because the follicle has a bit of growing to do
Cycle Day 22: Later that day, 3:30 pm call instructing us to trigger as soon as possible
I trigger at roughly 4:30 pm
We are scheduled for a cycle day 23 IUI: Brian's part at noon and my IUI at 2 pm.
This cycle would actually be a miracle but hey, I believe in those.
I feel sore in the spot of my trigger shot and freakishly tired. I've heard of women feeling horrible after the HCG shot (dizzy, nauseous, moody, etc.) but I'm very lucky because I've felt good each time. The only real side effects for the HCG shot and progesterone suppositories seems to be tiredness like I've never known. Sometimes the progesterone suppositories make my brain extremely foggy, which is common. I would drive to work and when I'd think back about my drive, it would be a complete blur. Things like that.
The thing I want most out of this cycle is a healthy, happy baby. But secondly, I vote for a girl. Not saying I wouldn't be thrilled to have a boy but I have so many cute girl nursery ideas. Plus, my girl name is pretty awesome, and I've prayed for years to use it! Though I love my boy name, and it's extremely appropriate for the day I plan on testing ;)
My favorite things things about the day of the IUI are newfound hope, spending some extra time with my husband, and going out to eat. Our IUI is in Arlington so we're going to Union Jack's in between appointments. I got to pick since it's my day!
Wish us the luck of the Irish as we wrap up our St.Patty's day cycle!
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