The month actually started a little oddly. We were thrilled that Patrick decided it was time to start walking and things were really clicking for Hartley at ballet. However, we were in this weird space where we still weren't positive what Hartley's plan for fall was. September we learned she was eligible to receive special education services through the school system, and she received the ASD diagnosis. But we still had no idea if and when she'd start school or how she was going to feel about it. I remember feeling beyond burnt out from months of assessments, appointments and uncertainty.
But after Hartley's IEP meeting and finding out she would start school, things really got so much better for us. I was nervous for that first day but she really loved it from day one. I credit Pathways to Preschool for our brilliant transition. It really just took about a week for us to settle into our routine, and it already feels like old hat.
It makes me so happy that she loves school, and Patrick loves his one on one time. Hartley is making great progress. We literally kicked off October with Hartley talking in 1-2 word/phrase labels. We have wrapped it up with her beginning to speak in sentences where she is genuinely expressing her own thoughts. I mean - phenomenal. It has been just one gigantic win for our family and easily my proudest moment of motherhood to date.
Outside of the accomplishments made this month, we have taken full advantage of the beautiful weather and all of the fall fun that Northern Virginia has to offer!
The kids have been taking lessons on Saturday mornings. Patrick goes to swimming lessons with Brian, and Hartley does ballet class with me. My mom takes Patrick to music class once a week, which he really enjoys. We have gotten to go to so many fun playgrounds and parks during the week. We reconnected with an old neighbor and having been having weekly play dates with them.
We have done the big fall festivals. We went to Cox Farms. Brian's work has a certain day where they get discounted tickets and reserve a pavilion so we took full advantage of that. However, I have to say, I think the best fall festival is put on by Leesburg Animal Park; they do Pumpkin Village. Well worth the drive. We went once as our little family of four, and then I took the kids during the week so we could go with my sister, her husband, their baby girl, and my mom. The kids really love Pumpkin Village; there's so much for them to do!
We took them to do the corn pit and a hayride at Krop's Crops in Great Falls. It's a much smaller operation but a fun little thing to do that's only a couple miles from us.
Brian was out of town for 5 days in Florida so when he got back he gave me some time off, and he took the kids to the petting zoo. We are annual pass holders and after a couple months we've already got our money's worth out of them! And Brian had another day hanging with the kids when I hosted a friend's baby shower. He took them to Great Falls National Park, and they had a blast.
I am a member of Herndon MOMS Club, and Patrick and I hosted the Halloween Costume Party Play date the Friday before Halloween. We had a huge turn out, and it was a lot of fun!
Then we ended the month by trick or treating in my parents' neighborhood. The kids were Ariel and Sebastian (from The Little Mermaid) for Halloween. I was worried for how it would go. Obviously Patrick was too young to really participate but I wasn't sure how Hartley would do. Well, it went AMAZING.
We ate pizza for dinner at my parents' house, then practiced knocking on their door and saying "trick or treat" and "thank you". Then we were on our way. Hartley loved dressing as Ariel, and after her first couple houses, she totally "got it". Then she was on a roll, and we were just going house to house like it was our job. Patrick rode in the wagon nibbling on cookies and Rice Krispie treats so needless to say, he was a happy Sebastian.
Hartley did a great job saying "trick or treat" and "thank you so much!" One house she actually said, "thank you, sir!" and I couldn't help but laugh. It was so cute.
We couldn't have done it without our posse: Nana, Poppy, and Aunt Caroline (who dressed as Ursula - amazing). We all took turns walking Hartley up to the doors, and I think she relished in all of the attention. It was so sweet to see her proudly walking around in her sequined costume taking turns holding hands and knocking on doors with all of us. She truly was the sweetest Ariel.
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