Monday, March 7, 2016

Life lately

It's amazing how much life becomes a blur when you're busy taking care of tiny humans. Every other day I think about blogging about all of the things that are happening here but the truth is, there never seems to be any time to sit down and write.

I'm actually writing this as I watch my wild monkeys over the monitor, both boycotting naps because, you know, it's Monday. 

I haven't gotten around to blogging much about our new house but I can easily summarize by saying it is absolutely fantastic. It has been truly life changing to finally have the space our family of four needed. As the weather gets nicer, the yard has been a complete Godsend. It feels like this house was made for us, and we love it. 

Hartley continues to grow and learn so much by the day. I kind of feel like turning two has made her seem more like a little girl than a baby. She's gotten so much better at following directions and is amazing at playing independently. Most days she is my "easy child" as she is now requiring less than Patrick. 

She loves playing outside. Sidewalk chalk, wagon rides, swing set time, chasing Winnie - you name it, she loves being outdoors and lights up every time I ask her to sit so we can put on her boots. It's been so wonderful to get to have mornings where she and I play outside in our yard while Patrick naps inside. Of course this winter we've had a lot of fun indoors too. She's starting to love coloring. She continues to enjoy reading and playing with her stuffed animals and little people. She loves her toy kitchen she got for Christmas and ball pit she got for birthday. My parents got her a Little People airport and airplane that she loves. Being the strong girl she is she drags the airport around the house even though it's not a drag-around kind of toy! She's starting to love dress up. She'll put on her hat, sunglasses and animal ears ny chance she gets. She needs help with her fairy wings, tutu and super cat cape but she asks for them often. 

She is a huge animal lover. The other day Brian took her to PetCo to buy Winnie dog food, and girlfriend was in heaven over all the animals. Winnie is constantly getting hugged and petted. And if Winnie dares to walk away it's, "Wait! Winnie! Come backkk!" Then chasing ensues. 

She was a healthy eater, and we're still trying to push healthy stuff, but she's recently become a fan of cookies, cake, ice cream and Cheetos. I have no clue where she gets that from ;) I find myself spelling Cheetos all the time because the second she hears that word, it's over until you give her some!

We are still waiting to do her assessment with the county but as soon as we scheduled it, she's really started blossoming so much. I'm certainly still going through with the assessment as she's still not great at responding to her name and answering expressive questions (ie Hartley are you hungry? Hartley do you want _____ ?)

She loves singing, and that's probably my favorite "new trick" of hers. From the ABCs to Happy Birthday to even the Sesame Street theme song - it's all great. She also loves giving hugs and "kisses" (which she just gives you her cheek to kiss but obviously she's got to make you work for it!). 

There is no shortage of personality or sass with that girl. She's funny and spunky and sweet.

Oh, and I almost forgot the very best thing lately - she is becoming such an incredible big sister. We have FINALLY gotten to the crazy, adorable sibling love, and it is the best thing ever. I never tire of hearing Hartley say "Patrick". The other day when she was with all of us she looked around and said "Mommy, Daddy, Patrick, Winnie", and my heart could've burst out of my chest. She loves to feed Patrick and help give him baths. And I've started catching her randomly go up to him and give him hugs. 

Now to Patrick. So funny I type out "Patrick" because I most often call him "Patty", which I swore I would never do! He got his first tooth a couple weeks ago! It's adorable. Hartley always got two at a time and got her first two at four months. So imagine my surprise when my 6 month old boy just got 1. It's the most adorable snaggle tooth ever! So you know that means he's been a drool factory, and don't ask me why by I find this drool stage to be very cute. 

He continues to be massive. It's hilarious because people are drawn to him like a magnet and they always comment on how much they love his red hair and his size. He always smiles and gains fans wherever he goes. I have to marvel at his disposition because I have never seen a baby like him. 

He is trying so hard to get moving. He gets frustrated but he just keeps trying! He's rolling, rotating, and inching around. He's been trying to get his legs up under himself to crawl but he has a ways to go. He can sit up on his own for a few seconds now. 

He is still very chatty. And sometimes it gets him into trouble with Hartley, who doesn't always adore his loud talking. He has managed to learn Hartley's creepy fake laugh that she does, and it's part creepy, part adorable. 

He loves Hartley so much. I had no idea how beautiful the sibling thing would be but watching him laugh at everything Hartley does is just too much. 

He loves hugs, kisses, tickles and being sung to. 

I know I'm likely forgetting things but this is what I can remember of this blur of a life I live.

As for me, in the past couple months I've finally started to feel like I have a great handle on things. At the end of each day I feel exhausted but I also feel so happy and my heart feels very full. Even on the hard days, I wouldn't trade this tiring existence for anything else in the world. 

And now the monkeys are ready to go again, perfect timing! 

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