Here I was on Saturday, the 16 week mark:
I know, I'm supposed to lament about how much bigger I am the second time but I'm totally embracing it. I actually never minded the growing belly with Hartley - well, until that last month when it was hard to breathe. Plus, I conceived this baby when I was about 9.5 months post partum so I'm well aware my uterus was nice and pre stretched and probably still tilted out a bit.
On that note, eating is finally getting so much better. I feel like I "turned the corner" early this pregnancy (though full disclosure: I still take the highest dosage of Diclegis). I haven't thrown up in close to 2 weeks, and my energy is way better than it was during the first trimester.
I don't really crave anything crazy. I do notice my babies like Taco Bell when they're in utero, and I've been consuming more McDonald's fries than I normally would. But I also crave a lot of healthy stuff and have been known to snack on salads and fruit this pregnancy.
I have a doctor's appointment on Wednesday. Really no big pregnancy news. No news is good news though!
Hartley is almost 13 months. I'm debating if I should keep up with my monthly entries. I probably should as she is growing and learning so quickly these days. Here's a quasi 13 month entry:
Since I last wrote, she's learned to say "bye bye" while waving good bye. She's learned to stack with her ring stacker. She was getting really into her shape sorter but being the smart, sassy girl she is, she quickly learned that you can load the shapes faster without that pesky lid. So she whips off the lid and throws the shapes in. She's also been known to take my phone and throw it in the box. So that's always a fun game of hide and seek for yours truly.
She's very into pointing to everything. We praise her and tell her what she's pointing to, and she gets super impressed with herself. She's also begun mimicking. Crazy, right? She mimicks gestures and sounds. That's probably typical for this age but since I rarely research milestones, I think she's a genius.
She's learned to give hugs. Well, she's learned to barrel into you when you ask her for a hug. It's probably my favorite thing she does.
And I know I shouldn't even admit her tv milestones but she claps and stomps her feet to certain Sesame Street songs that prompt her to. Again, I don't know why but its adorable.
She's doing well with finger foods. She loves all the typical toddler foods. She loves fruit the most. But she also loves hot dogs, chicken nuggets, pancakes and green beans. She'll tolerate eggs, macaroni and cheese and certain types of pasta. Of course, when we go out to eat she loves French fries. Her love for Cheerios and puffs is still strong but they are no longer the crutches they once were. I'll totally admit, I use them to calm her sometimes.
As far as eating what we eat, it's hard. I like spicy food that's totally not appropriate for toddlers. But when are eating something that's not too spicy and is a reasonable texture, we give it a whirl. Sometimes it's a hit, sometimes it's a miss. But I've learned I don't need to stress about that like I once thought I did. She's a 1 year old; she's going to eat like a 1 year old. As long as she's growing and developing properly, things are good. Plus, Brian and I have very unsophisticated palettes so what did I really expect?
She's obsessed with books. I'm not exaggerating, I probably read her 12-15 books a day. Winter is so exciting, right? I think her favorites are Snuggle Puppy, Olivia, Five Black Cats and The Biggest Kiss. The Easter Bunny is probably bringing her some Olivia board books. I might be a tad obsessed with how much H is like her favorite female protagonist, Olivia.
Hartley is currently obsessed with Winnie. She has learned to gently pet her, finally:
She's very active. She's always running, laughing, babbling, jumping, stomping and shrieking.
I love this age. It's so much fun!
Oh, and the last thing: rent.
I got the $500 bill to renew the embryos' rent for the next year. Of course we're paying it as we continue to hang on to them. It was probably largely due to pregnancy hormones but I cried a little when I got the bill. It's a reminder that I have little babies in their earliest stage of life just waiting to see if they'll come to fruition. We play the lottery and have decided that if we ever win, we will try to meet all of them. Yes, if you've followed along, there are 7. I know we likely won't win the lottery, and they will be huge blessings to another couple. But neither of us are there just yet.
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