Today we went to Hartley's 1 year well visit. I knew it likely wouldn't be too eventful, basically what you hope for when you go to the doctor, right?
From everything I've read Hartley is hitting her milestones on time, if not early, so I had no concerns there. The doctor confirmed that she's both physically and verbally advanced. I can tell by looking at her that her growth is not an issue. The doctor confirmed that also, saying that Hartley is following her growth curve perfectly.
My main concerns are eating (because she really doesn't like eating unless its puffs or cheerios) and her skin (by far the most sensitive baby skin I've ever seen).
With her eating "people" food, the doctor told me I just need to start now. That I need to not offer Cheerios or puffs and offer her what we eat. No more purees. She said after a few days Hartley will learn she has to hop on board and will eat when she's hungry. She said its great that Hartley is good with her sippy cup, and that soon we should have her using it for just milk and water. We devised a plan to ween her off formula.
It's all a little daunting and feels like a really big change. I keep thinking about putting her down for a nap not using a bottle and that's totally confusing to me!
But I did give her a "big girl" meal when we got home from the doctor: macaroni and cheese, diced chicken and water in her Cookie Monster sippy cup. She did awesome! And it was the best meal she's eaten in a long time. Proof:
As far as her skin goes, she apparently just has extremely sensitive, extremely dry skin. The doctor said we've been doing an awesome job already. Seriously, up keeping that chid's skin is a job in itself. She suggested we all switch to All Free and Clear detergent (Brian and I already do that for our own skin). She said we could mix some hydrocortisone ointment in when we use aquaphor. She suggested sensitive wipes (we already do that). She also recommended special sensitive skin diapers. Ugh, I have about 300 size 4 diapers I refuse let go to waste so we're not switching quite yet.
Of course the appointment ended with getting shots! Wahoo! After all the measles crap lately I was so happy to have Hartley get the MMR vaccine. Yes, I'm a very pro vaccine mama, zero apologies.
Now for the less exciting updates, I'm doing pretty well. Knock on wood. I haven't thrown up in over 48 hours! I'm currently on Diclegis AND Zofran for morning sickness. Last pregnancy I didn't start medicating until 12 weeks. This time I couldn't hold out; at 9 weeks I started Diclegis. I increased to the highest dosage at 11 weeks. When that was failing, I desperately called them for a Zofran prescription. My goal is to just be on Zofran soon; I find it works much better than Diclegis (at least for me).
Honestly, my morning sickness has pretty much caused me to feel depressed. It's very hard to be sick like that and take care of a toddler. But I'm hopeful that I'll have it under control soon.
The other malady is that I'm on pelvic rest which means no sex (totally don't care), no exercise, limited stair use, no long walks, and no lifting over 20 pounds (aka my child). It's very hard for me. Last pregnancy I could've easily handled those restrictions but nowadays it's impossible.
My mom is coming over to help me on Wednesday and Thursday, which is huge. She literally requested off work just to help me, which even Brian really hasn't done.
I was on pelvic rest from 6 weeks to 9 weeks. I thought they said my subchorionic hematoma had healed (the tech made to sound that way) so I went back to life as usual. Well, at my 12 week ultrasound, the hematoma had grown. So it's back to pelvic rest and praying I'm not put on full bed rest. My parents have been tremendously helpful during all of this. But outside that I have to care for a heavy, active toddler solo for about 55 hours a week, and it's hard. It's hard to balance caring my myself, Hartley and baby 2. I obviously break the lifting restriction daily; I have no choice. But I don't go anywhere just Hartey and I because it means a lot of lifting her that I don't need to do at home.
Enough of the not so great pregnancy stuff. I'm excited that we are finding out the gender early this time! We did a blood test and will know within the next couple weeks. I honestly needed that this pregnancy. I find knowing the gender helps me bond better. I'm going to buy a new outfit as soon as that envelope arrives!
That really is what life is like here lately. Somedays are rough but when I stop to look at things big picture, I know we're all very lucky. I worry a lot more during this pregnancy than last time but in my heart I know all of it will end well. Oh, and I countdown to weekends and days that my parents come to help. Thank God for extra hands!
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