As usual another month has flown by, and I can't believe I'm the mom of an 8 month old! There's some sort of saying about how the days are long but the years fly by; that really seems to hit the nail on the head.
You have grown up so much this month. You went from a baby that would roll and inch around to a full fledged crawler. You are always moving and always getting in to things. You are constantly trying to pull yourself up to standing. You easily pull yourself up to kneeling but have yet to find the right ledge for standing. However, you can support yourself holding on to things like window edges and crib rails.
You are attracted to all things dangerous: outlets, floor vents, and blind pulls.
And yesterday you had your first real boo boo, which bruised instantly. You face planted on a bottle of lotion you insisted on carrying around with you.
You love Winnie. You talk to her, and laugh when she does silly things (well, they are silly to you - I never get the joke). You pet her and play with her. You've kind of become her world. It's very sweet.
You love baths. You love naked time. You love swimming lessons.
You enjoy being sung to and read to. You enjoy trail walks. You seem to really like Target and the mall. You must get that from dad ;)
Your favorite toys are soft books. You also love your mirror, soft blocks and piano. Thank goodness the Sesame Street remote is losing it's allure. Though mom and dad have heard "I've got a remote, I'm ready to roll, making things happen because I'm in control" 50 thousand times.
You still aren't a big eater but you'll eat green beans, sweet potatoes and carrots without too much of a fight. We refer to that as you "loving" those foods, and your nana was thoroughly confused by that. But the truth is, you'd rather be exploring than eating, and we can't fault you for that!
Things that aren't so loved around here: CLOTHES. You absolutely hate getting dressed. I've let you go without clothes a lot but I can't lie - I'm a bit scared with winter coming. You don't like diaper changes. You hate naps. Naps are basically earth shattering doses of torture, and you let mom know that. Every. Single. Day.
We also learned you hate medicine. Really all types. You are an equal opportunity medicine hater. But your dad and I have felt awful for you. You went from having a virus to having an ear infection, and that's been really rough. Of course you were a champ at the doctor's: so well behaved.
We are so proud of you for growing so big and strong and for having such a wild, adventurous spirit already. You are exhausting but adorable and fun! We couldn't love you any more.
Happy 8 months, little one! The world is your oyster so crawl all over it :)
Oh and as I write this you're playing in Winnie's toy basket. Yes, you absolutely love dirty, smelly, disgusting dog toys.
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