Saturday, January 11, 2014


So I think I may have touched on this in my blog but I tried not to delve in to it much because I know how whiny a woman with health maladies sounds. The Thursday before last I thought Hartley was trying to kill me. I was struggling so hard to breathe and was only managing shallow breaths. It kept me from sleeping and left me crying. I told Brian if I were a trained doctor I literally would've doctor her out of me that night, the struggle for air felt that urgent.

I tried calling the doctor the next day. Which ended in me complaining to Brian, "Those bitches/twats/other explicatives took a fucking snow day!"

Then Tuesday night I had sharp stabbing pain under my ribs on the right side. It hurt to breath or yawn. Thank goodness I had a doctors appointment the next day; I decided just to mention it then. Well, I mentioned the doctor and ultrasound tech's theories in my blog. But the doctor told me to call next time it happened. Thursday night I again struggled for air. So yesterday when breathing got tough in the late afternoon, I decided to call. I was really embarrassed to call. 

I was even more embarrassed when they told me to go to the ER. I debated even telling Brian because at this point I just felt like a wuss. But I told him they said I should go to the ER so he was awesome and left work at 5:30 to take me.

The whole time in the waiting room I talked about how silly I was. Being a first time mom sucks. We always get the crazy pants reputation. But the one thing about me is this - I can't lie, I always look and seem great when I'm sick. It's the worst. I will be barfing in a trash can an hour before I see you, and you'll be none the wiser. I'll have kidney stones and be laughing. So I'm sitting in the ER just looking like I have no business being there. But I just tell everyone I come in to contact with, "I know how silly I sound but my doctor told me to come in if I have trouble breathing."

Well after doing some blood work, an EKG and a chest x ray, the doctor was like, "you have pneumonia". I was thinking, oh thank God. Just pneumonia. I can handle that. My crazy pants self was paranoid about having a blood clot in my lung since I have been awful about sticking to my aspirin regimen. 

They gave me my first dose of antibiotics right then and there. And soon I'll venture out to fill my prescription.

I'm going to take it easy, load up on the fluids and take my medicine. Apparently pneumonia can be quite dangerous when you're pregnant. I'm more worried about Brian getting this and having it when Hartley comes, and then her getting it. The dangerous part of pneumonia during pregnancy is that it can lead to pre term birth or low birth weight, both of which are moot points for us now. I just want to get better without spreading it. 

So add this one to the list of pregnancy annoyances! Seriously, what's a girl got to do to catch a break around here?!

And my apologies to little baby girl who is now having her mama pass along a third round of antibiotics during pregnancy. God, please let all the crazy shit I've taken not hurt her. She can't help that her mom is not a pregnancy goddess!!

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