Wednesday, December 18, 2013

We survived a lot of baby learning!

Yesterday completed our baby learning for now. Yes, in the span of 6 days, we had 5 classes/meetings pertaining to our baby. And I'm not even including my hour long doctor appointment yesterday. 5 classes = 13, yes, THIRTEEN hours worth of information. 

We are both thoroughly burnt out, and neither of us wants to talk about Apgars, jaundice or latching again until baby is actually here.

The pediatrician yesterday seemed fine. She talked fast and I was exhausted so it wasn't like I was sitting there just falling in love with their practice. But they got good reviews, are close by, and offer all the standard things we were told to look for. 

Even though I can't take a physical break from baby, I'm taking a mental hiatus until the baby shower on Saturday. And I honestly don't feel like I even need to pick up a baby book anymore. But maybe I'll do some cramming in late January. 

I finally slept. I slept without Benadryl for 8 hours. I woke up with a headache and sore and achy but at least I know my body got what it really needed for once. Last night I actually used my pregnancy pillow for the first couple hours of sleep. I used lavender oil. So maybe I'll be making those a routine. I might even indulge in some sleepy time tea tonight too. My body just seems to need extra rest (carrying around 5 lbs of human, maybe?) and I've heard a million times I should "sleep before the baby comes". 

I didn't even mention that Hartley looked great yesterday. She looked perfect. Active. Practiced using her lungs. Perfect heartbeat. Had hiccups during the appointment. She remains head down. And the tech said she will likely stay that way as she is running out of room to move. I guess that's a perk of being "short bodied" with a decent sized baby? She can't do cartwheels even if she wanted to! No space. 

I'm looking forward to the baby shower. No chance of snow in sight. I wish I were a happier, more pleasant pregnant woman but I'm sure I'll perk up before the party. And it's very nice that people are taking time out of their last minute holiday hustle and bustle to celebrate our little one. 

Plus, I'm going to make a massage appointment for Friday, and that should make me a new woman. I'm debating even getting my nails done for the shower - something I almost never treat myself to. But truth be told, I'm not entirely sure I can paint my own toenails anymore. Apparently at 7.5 months pregnant touching your toes isn't easy. 

Hopefully I'll be back on tomorrow with my 33 week stats but forgive me if I take a full on break from baby tomorrow! 

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