Thursday, September 5, 2013

4th Anniversary.

When we met, I was 21. He had just turned 22.  We were college kids who had so much fun together. I didn't magically fall in love with him the moment I met him. He was shy but sweet and funny, and I fell in like with him. And the more we got to know each other and the more time we spent together, it grew to love. And over the years that regular love grew to "I don't ever want to live without you" love.

We have been married for four years. And as cliche as it sounds, I fall deeper in love with him every day.

Looking back at the last four years, I can't believe how far we've come and all the changes that have happened. I can't believe those 2 college kids turned in to grown ups.

We have been blessed with a plethora of happy times. I've had those moments where he makes me laugh so hard that I cry and my stomach hurts. There have been seemingly ordinary times during our marriage that are some of the most beautiful times in my life. And we've undoubtedly had our challenges, those moments when all you can do is hold each other and cry.

I feel so lucky everyday to have found my soulmate. The person who brings light to my days. The person who is the first person I want to share my happy or sad news with. The person I want to wake up while he's sleeping just to get to be with him a little more.

And I truly feel like this anniversary is the beginning of a new chapter. We're going to be parents. A whole new set of experiences and challenges lay ahead. And I know without a doubt, we'll be extraordinary, just like we have been with everything else.

Cheers to the past four years! Cheers to very many more to come.

And I'll sign off with the best martial advice I've ever been given: do something, no matter how big or small, every day to let your spouse know you care. Be kind to each other.

That's how we roll in the Crane house, and we keep rocking this marriage thing :)

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